Round Canopy Parchute Courses


Basic Round Canopy Parachute training course
Our basic training to learn how to jump parachute lasts an entire weekend. (Friday evening to Sunday evening) The so-called ground training is given during these two and a half days. Theory is alternated with the necessary practice. The actual skydiving is possible on Sunday. A folding instruction will also take place that day. Skydiving is a weather dependent sport.

Weather dependence
There is a chance that (bad) weather will spoil the jumping part of the course. Rain, low cloud and especially wind are show stoppers. The ground training and folding instruction continues regardless of the weather, the actual jumping depends on the circumstances.


Age limitation
For safety reasons, we do not accept participants over the age of 50 who have never previously obtained a parachute license (military or civilian). This is a KNVvL guideline, not a PGH rule! For returners over the age of 50, an assessment interview with our training section applies.

Course costs
The total costs for our training in 2024 are 750 euros. This amount includes two days of ground training, PGH sponsorship, KNVvL membership (mandatory in NL), our group patch, logbook and five jumps using our jumping equipment. Overnight stays and other accommodation costs are at your own expense.
Down payment is 200 euros and is non-refundable. The entire amount must be paid 4 weeks before the start of the course.


Refresher Course
We also provide refresher courses for jumpers who have not jumped for more than a year. Depending on the interval, we will look at what the refresher looks like. This will usually mean that the second day of the ground training must be completed. Costs depend on the intensity.

Please contact secretariat for more information.


Harnas Test
In order to jump, a valid harness test must be presented that is not older than 3 months. During a harness test, the exit and emergency procedures are reviewed again so that this is ready knowledge again. The test is free and can in principle be taken during every jumping day. This can be indicated on the registration form for a jumping day.


Rigger inspection
A jumper must have approved jumping equipment. To jump with PGH, a certificate of inspection for the main parachute must be no older than 12 months. The spare parachute must be repacked within 6 months.

Riggers who inspect round canopy parachutes in the Netherlands are Frank Spiering (Western Netherlands) and Paul Gommers (Eastern Netherlands). (Western Netherlands) (Eastern Netherlands)

Image Medical Examination

Anyone who wants to jump at/with PGH must have a medical certificate from a doctor, which is obtained after a physical medical examination. This is valid for 24 months after issuance of the declaration.

The medical physical examination at PGH applies to ALL round canopy jumpers, regardless of experience or certification. (The reason is that we link the medical examination to jumping without AAD on the reserve parachute.)

Download & print the KNVvL Medical Declaration

Special thanks to:


Our base is at:
Skydive ENPC at Breda International Airport

Address training & jumping activities:
Breda International Airport
Pastoor van Pieter Breughelstraat 91-A
4744 RC Bosschenhoofd

Bank account NL86 RABO 0153 8050 05 - BIC RABONL2U or RABONL2UXXX
Use PayPal for foreign payments:

Email address secretariat:

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