Background Information


Good to know

Registration forms

Below you will find the various registration forms for our jumping activities throughout the year:

Saturday, August 17 - practice jumps
Reserve list Manifest Market Garden


Below you will find a number of documents that are regularly requested and therefore need to be kept up to date:

Waiver ENPC
Medical Declaration
Inlog KNVvL

Parachute info

Below is technical information about the parachutes we use to jump and how we use the club chutes:

Parachutes explained (NL)
Packing instruction club chutes
Instruction 'handling SF10-1A / MC-6'


In addition to Breda International Airport, we sometimes also use other airports for our jumps:

Breda Airport - Skydive ENPC
Teuge Airport - Skydive Teuge
Hoogeveen Airport - Skydive Hoogeveen

Other organisations

There are more clubs internationally that do Round Canopy jumping. We regularly work with most of them.

Liberty Jump team
All Airborne Battalion
Round Canopy Parachute Team
Pathfinder UK

Parachute hire

If available, the club can rent out parachutes. Costs are 20 euros per jump. Please pay via the QR code or link:


History of PGH


In 2007, a small group of enthusiasts came up with the idea of ??setting up a round canopy parachuting club in the Netherlands. The group would focus on performing commemoration/remembrance jumps with a round canopy on former Allied drop zones during the Second World War. Ultimately, in 2008, the club will start as part of the British association Pathfinder Parachute Group United Kingdom (PPGUK).

Shortly after the start, the club's name will be changed to Parachute Group Holland (PGH) and it will become a non-profit foundation entirely under Dutch management. The goal is and remains to stimulate round canopy parachute jumping and to make people aware of the history of military skydiving. The fact that PGH not only welcomes Dutch members is clearly visible during the annual MARKET GARDEN commemoration jumps. There you get a good idea of ??how international PGH's membership base has ultimately become in its more than 10 years of existence.

Since its founding, the PGH has made commemorative jumps at several original drop zones throughout the Netherlands and Europe. Our most important event is the jumping during the big MARKET GARDEN Commemoration on the Ginkelse Heide. For more than 10 years we have been opening this special jumping event, in which up to 1,000 internationally active military personnel participate annually, with our jump from a historic WWII C47 (Dakota). With 100,000 spectators, the largest parachute jumping event in the Netherlands.

Image The logo of parachute Group Holland

The logo of Parachute Group Holland (PGH) is derived from and pays tribute to the emblem of the Parachute Training School (SOP). This school was founded on March 1, 1946 and was first located in Batavia (Jakarta). The first commander of the school was Lieutenant C. Sisselaar, a former member of the Insulinde Corps. The purpose of the school was to train a Dutch paratrooper unit for deployment in the former Dutch East Indies (Indonesia). This will ultimately result in the establishment of the 1st Parachute Company on May 1, 1947 in Meester Cornelis on West Java. This company will later be transformed into a Para Combat Group. The Paracombat Group will participate in several Dutch parachute operations such as KRAAI, EKSTER, and MUD in the former Dutch East Indies.

Nowadays, all military parachute training within the Dutch armed forces is provided by the Defense Para School (DPS). The training is primarily intended for the Commando Troops, Marine Corps and 11 Air Mobile Brigade. The DPS is located at the Seelig barracks in Breda and can train 800 to 1,000 people annually.

Special thanks to:


Our base is at:
Skydive ENPC at Breda International Airport

Address training & jumping activities:
Breda International Airport
Pastoor van Pieter Breughelstraat 91-A
4744 RC Bosschenhoofd

Bank account NL86 RABO 0153 8050 05 - BIC RABONL2U or RABONL2UXXX
(Bank adres: Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB Utrecht)
Use PayPal for foreign payments:

Email address secretariat:
Email address board:

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